Rikon space


Rikon® is the setting for many of the Speculative Fiction stories told by Ciaran Benson, including the online web comic UberCyberCats.

Stories of Rikon

The Tale of Sakhtamea - the creation story of Rikon, describing the beginning of all things including the birth of the dragons, the fall of the Lkhan, and the arrival of the Ranwaith.

The Circle Tale - an animistic expression of The Choir, told in the form of a children's fairytale. When learning the Circle Tale, one should always start with the story of Coyote and Blackbird.

A Small Healing - Arielen prepares to perform an outlawed, but life-saving, healing. This is a brief selection from a longer chapter from Arielen's story which takes place during the fourth coming of darkness on Rikon.

Short Stories

Karma Workers - A woman enslaved in a time-traveling future finds solace and sanctuary in the past.

Forced Perspective - A man takes off his state-mandated rose-colored glasses and, for a moment, sees the world as it really is.

Second Chances - Despite inventing a time machine, a man is unable to salvage his past.

Bringer of Deserts - A brief character study of a man who is blessed to bring about the will of the gods.

Prince Of Chairs - A brief character study of one man who finds out something is terribly wrong, and another man who must keep the secret.


Please check my [LiveJournal] for the latest news and updates. Ci


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Rikon® and the content of this site are original creations of Ciaran Benson, all rights reserved.
Content on this site may be reused for personal, but never for commercial, purposes. The Studio Project by Angela Hed is pretty awesome - check it out.